Sitemap - 2024 - Global Witness, Globally Reimagined.

#97. Glory to God and Peace on Earth

#96. On Europe's Civilising Mission in Africa

#95. Did the Scramble Matter?

#94. Mission and the Scramble for Africa (15 Nov 1884)

#93. When the Standard Bearer Faints

#92. A Gift from the Desert Fathers and Mothers

A Conversation with Gina Zurlo

#91. Will the Black Leaders in Mission Please Stand Up?

#90. Talking Mission in a Black History Month

Migrants and the local Congregation. # 172. 17/09/2024

Migrants as a Means of Grace. # 164. 18/06/2024

Migration is a "Missionising" Experience

Sojourners, Pilgrims, and Exiles.

To "Japa" or Not to "Japa"

How Problematic Is The Language of Mission? with Dr. Zac Niringiye

The Religious Composition of the World’s Migrants

Democratising Mission

A Mission Conference on Migration

On The Riots and Mission Agencies

What Does Spiritual Hunger Look Like?

Plugging Our New MA in Asian Christianity

"Radical Hospitality in the Age of Migration" with Emily Shepherd

The Emperor Has No Clothes

A Post-Christian Africa Already?

A Strange Question I Hear Often

Whatever Happened to Missional

Is This The End Of Missiology?

Ministry Training and Missional Formation

Experiments in Decolonising Mission Education

How Do You Disciple Non-religious People?

EP#20 Why the West needs to receive the gifts of African Christians - With Harvey Kwiyani

The Tongues of All Nations

We Need Another Pentecost

Making People Disciples of Jesus

Why Do You Pray?

The Spirit Flattens All Hierarchies

What About Principalities and Powers?

"Ye Shall Receive Power"

There Is Power in the Blood

What's Easter Gotta Do With It?

Is a Christian Response to Migration Possible?

A Pneumatologically-Grounded Missiology

Out of Darkness, Light for the World

Post-Christian West and Post-Western Christianity

It Matters Where We Start

Big Issues in Mission 2: Migration

Mission in a Violent World

But Where Is The Peace?

Blessed are the Peacemakers

A Missiology of Non-Violence