The Holy Spirit is the Master Missiologist

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I agree with you, sir.

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Do not quench the Spirit.

Do not despise prophecies,

but test everything;

hold fast what is good.


Lecture on Enoch & The Watchers by Dr Michael Heiser



Dr. Amos Yong (Fuller Seminary) on Missional Theology: Holy Spirit, Hospitality and the Other



Francis Benyah is a doctoral student at the Department for the Study of Religions, Åbo Akademi University, Turku, Finland.

OMSC@PTS Research Project Title: Mapping Cosmologies of Mental Health: A Study on Pentecostal Prayer Camps and Indigenous Knowledge of Healing in Ghana


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Thank you, Ed. You are always helpful.

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“And they were led by the Holy Spirit (Pneuma) …the Holy Spirit said to us….

This was at the heart of the European Missionary Journey…. It is simply the key.

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This is A step in the right direction. Our global village is our mission field. The more we interact, the closer we get to the key that will be used to unlock the puzzle in reaching our work for Jesus and making Disciples of all Nations. That is Our mandate

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Great insight. Thank you

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Thank you Dr Harvey, for nailing it right on the sport.

In as much as I desired to be a voice to carry God's message to the people I am privileged, your contributions teaches me how important I need to be prepared in all standards both spiritually(spirit filled)and mentally(broaded in knowledge) to navigate the boundaries I encountered.

Reflections from your regular approach on missions teaches me that pursing missionary mandate without the power of the Holy Spirit is an open door to destruction with limited results.

I have also learnt that to be spiritually not equipped for missionary assignment could contribute to the many casualties among some morden missionaries.

Thank you for paving the way for our understanding in this subject.

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Thank you for this reflection. Is your keynote available somewhere for watching, listening to, or reading?

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I will make it available in the next few weeks. Thanks.

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wonderful reflection! I was at this conference and very much appreciated the keynote from Dr Kwiyanyi. Also, for those who have not read the autobiography of Lamin Sanneh, I highly recommend.

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