Yes indeed Harvey, And the Jesus Himself said; “the things I do is what I see my Father do”.
Literally, His whole life was centered around Watching and a Doing what the Father was doing.
This is the Son of Man upon whom the Holy Spirit came in form of the dove…
This is the one Who “the Holy Spirit Led into the Wilderness to be tempted of the devil..,”
This is the one who said “the Spirit of the Lord is upon me, for God had anointed me to..”then He unfolded His Manifesto (Mission Statement) right in front of His Earthly audience out of the auction of the Spirit… and literally spent his 3 years doing exactly what He had announced that day, He never deviated from it but fulfilled everything He had outlined on that First Public appearances when He Announced what He had come to do on earth.
His Entire Existence on earth was one led by The Holy Spirit.
In the end He says “ as my father sent me, (led by God the Holy Spirit), so send I you”
“This same Spirit that Raised Jesus from the Dead shall Quicken our Mortal Bodies”
This Same Spirit, is the Key Word…. “The Works I do, you shall do also, because I go to the Father..”
Because the Self-same Holy Spirit that was upon Jesus is upon us.., levelling the playing ground or Flattening it.
Thanks Harvey. This is it, we have no excuse whatsoever
Yes indeed Harvey, And the Jesus Himself said; “the things I do is what I see my Father do”.
Literally, His whole life was centered around Watching and a Doing what the Father was doing.
This is the Son of Man upon whom the Holy Spirit came in form of the dove…
This is the one Who “the Holy Spirit Led into the Wilderness to be tempted of the devil..,”
This is the one who said “the Spirit of the Lord is upon me, for God had anointed me to..”then He unfolded His Manifesto (Mission Statement) right in front of His Earthly audience out of the auction of the Spirit… and literally spent his 3 years doing exactly what He had announced that day, He never deviated from it but fulfilled everything He had outlined on that First Public appearances when He Announced what He had come to do on earth.
His Entire Existence on earth was one led by The Holy Spirit.
In the end He says “ as my father sent me, (led by God the Holy Spirit), so send I you”
“This same Spirit that Raised Jesus from the Dead shall Quicken our Mortal Bodies”
This Same Spirit, is the Key Word…. “The Works I do, you shall do also, because I go to the Father..”
Because the Self-same Holy Spirit that was upon Jesus is upon us.., levelling the playing ground or Flattening it.
Thanks Harvey. This is it, we have no excuse whatsoever