Great piece Dr.

The essence of prayer is not only to ask for needs to be met. Intimate fellowship with the Lord and the transformation of our hearts are vital 'engagements of the Spirit' which happens in prayer. Because prayer helps one to build and intimate fellowship with the Lord and also produces transformation in the heart of the one praying, every nation needs prayer to produce Christlike people

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Why do I pray? Praying, for me, is a demonstration of my reliance upon the One who created my brain through which I think. Praying is spiritually refreshing to the human spirit, soul, and body. Praying keeps us in constant touch with God, daily. Much appreciated, Dr. Harvey.

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Another transformational piece Dr Harvey.

Truly prayer is using God's word to reference our needs to Him. The God who hears prayer is the God of the scriptures and He has bind himself with His covenant. He will not break His covenant nor alter the thing that is gone out of His lips(Psalm 89:34-35).

The best language God hears in prayer is the scriptures and His covenants. Prayer and the Word are interrelated. God's word nourishes our prayer, strengthens our prayer, warms our heart and fires our spirit as we pray.

Prayer is really expressing our reverence and gratitude to God and telling Him all of our fears, anxieties and worries and holding nothing back. It is asking for things that we cannot do for ourselves and others and asking Him to help in our helpless situation.

Thank you Dr for always inspiring us with deep insights that connects with current issues.

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I struggle with prayer, admittedly.

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